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Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Stadium excitatiton (convulsion)

Rabies (lyssa, hidrophobia, rege, toilwer) disease is an acute infection of the central nervous system that can attack all types of homoeothermic animals and humans. Rabies is caused by rabies virus which transmitted bite reservoir animal. Reservoir animal is the main type of animal canidae, for example: dog, cat and monkey.

Rabies in humans have 3-8 weeks incubation period, the average longer than the incubation period in other animals. Women have shorter incubation period than men, and children shorter than the adult
Early symptoms include fever, general malaise, nausea and pain in the throat for several days, in addition to the patient also feels pain, heartburn accompanied pareses place on the wound. followed with the symptoms of fear and reaction against excessive excitatory sensorik or called stimulus sensitive myoclonus. Tonus muscle sympathetic activity and the symptoms escalate into hiperhidrosis, hipersalivation, hiperlacrimation and pupil dilatation.

Stadium excitation have any special mark, that is hydrophobic. If the patient is given a drink, the patient will receive cause they thirsty, and try to drink it, but this will be inhibit by a great spasm on muscle faring. Patients so afraid of water, so to hear the sound of water and even hear the word "water", causing severe throat muscle contraction.

Apnoea, cyanotic, convulsion, tachycardia can happen in this stadium. patient's behaviour is not rational. Symptoms can be in the stadium this continues until the patient died, but at close death, it is more often weakened muscle, to occur flaksid muscle paresis.

1 comment:

Retro said...

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